Water Wells
The most basic requirement of life is water but even today as we speak millions of people are struggling due to their poverty and lack of resources to have easy and direct access to clean and safe water source. Therefore, with our WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) programme, you can make a donation for boring a water well to help the underprivileged communities across Pakistan.
Changing Lives of People
Lives are transformed in a community when a water well / water station is installed. Security and stability comes in the community and overall health is improved. Women and Children are freed from daily routine of walking for hours to bring water from a distant source to home. Providing clean water as SADAQAH JARIYAH brings ongoing blessings of ALLAH SWT and spiritual rewards for the donor themselves and their loved ones.

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Your Donation Outcomes
A plaque is erected at the site for donors which may include the name of the loved one for whom they are donating it as SADAQAH JARIYAH. We provide the donors with site photos as a process of our feedback.