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Islamic Help Water Filtration Projects

Pakistan Rural Communities suffer the most from unhygienic contaminated water. Therefore, in order to phase out this water crisis, Islamic help have installed water filtration plants in under privileged areas throughout Pakistan.

Water Filtration Plant

These plants make the use complex technology to comprehensively clean and de-contaminate unclean and unsafe water, the result of which is clean and safe drinking water. The donations made for water filtration plants helps to change lives in communities in Pakistan and your donation helps us to provide thousands of people glass of water they deserve as their basic right being human being.

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Your Donation Outcomes

A plaque is erected at the site for donors which may include the name of the loved one for whom they are donating it as SADAQAH JARIYAH. We provide the donors with site photos as a process of our feedback.


What's happened so far.

IHPK has installed 20+ Filtration Plant in total and each filtration plant has the capacity to filter 5000 Litters of water in one hour.

20+ Filtration Plant
4000+ Families
24000+ Individuals

Important information

You can give the gift of water from 20,00000 for a Water Filter Plant for 150-180 families in remote areas.

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