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Community Development
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Community Development
Relief Projects
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Impact a Futuristic Change

Islamic Help model villages are founded on the principle of community development working hand in hand with local authorities. It helps to expand people welfare by improving their capacities, their strengths, and their skills and create solutions that will lead to a permanent and sustainable change.

Aims of Project

Our model village’s concept is made on the basic five pillars of community life which are education, access to clean water, basic health care, food security and opportunity for better skills to alleviate the poverty of the community. For this we establish schools in that particular village which we have planned to alleviate as model village.

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Your Donation Outcomes

Our model villages are fully equipped with all basic modern community requirements. We are transforming the lives of the people in our model villages. Be a part of this transformation.


What's happened so far.

We are transforming the lives of the people in our model villages. Be a part of this transformation.

5+ Model Villages
20+ Solar System
Multiple Areas

Important information

Donate Islamic Help generously and be the harbinger of change for them. Your donation is SADIQA JARIYAH and will benefit you not only in this life but in after life too.

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